Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Around the world

I know it has been a while since I was a reliable blog to idle away time while you should be working. I want to start writing again. I see too much craziness in my life to let it slide into the gin soaked corners of my mind. I am going to start with a summary of my travel in 2009. It may not be super entertaining but when I looked into the details I thought it was impressive.
In 2009 I flew on 23 planes for a total mileage of 29,816. The circumference of the earth at the equator is 24,901 so good for one complete lap. While I didn’t travel all over the world I covered the US pretty well. I spent time in the following airports:
Boston (lots)
Salt Lake City
San Jose- Costa Rica
Manuel Antonio- Costa Rica
Detroit has the cleanest and most attractive airport. The airport in Manuel Antonio does not have security but they do have a foosball table and they will weight you. I would also cast my vote for Atlanta as the dirtiest most crowded and least fun place to read dated issues of Cosmo. I only wish I had tracked the hours I spent floating with the clouds. A mistake I will not repeat this year!