Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Around the world

I know it has been a while since I was a reliable blog to idle away time while you should be working. I want to start writing again. I see too much craziness in my life to let it slide into the gin soaked corners of my mind. I am going to start with a summary of my travel in 2009. It may not be super entertaining but when I looked into the details I thought it was impressive.
In 2009 I flew on 23 planes for a total mileage of 29,816. The circumference of the earth at the equator is 24,901 so good for one complete lap. While I didn’t travel all over the world I covered the US pretty well. I spent time in the following airports:
Boston (lots)
Salt Lake City
San Jose- Costa Rica
Manuel Antonio- Costa Rica
Detroit has the cleanest and most attractive airport. The airport in Manuel Antonio does not have security but they do have a foosball table and they will weight you. I would also cast my vote for Atlanta as the dirtiest most crowded and least fun place to read dated issues of Cosmo. I only wish I had tracked the hours I spent floating with the clouds. A mistake I will not repeat this year!


Biesinger said...

I'm glad to see your increased desire to add a little spice to my bland working days. I look forward to reading your more consistant posts.


Suzy said...

Awesome to see you blogging Mikie poo! Your life is always fun and I love your stories. Keep it up! XOXO

Suzy said...

BTW Daxon said "Is that MIkie? He's done all that stuff in Boston? Tell him to put up more photos and that I say hi" - direct quote over... LUdge you!

Milly said...

I was on brad's blog and saw a comment by a mikey and was like hmm...could it be and it was. nice to catch up on your life. looks like you had a wild year of traveling and good times to be had. -Emily

Kev said...

Mike, This is your offical warning. You have not contributed any content of worth to the internet for some time. As your little brother, I have grown concerned. This type of behavior leads to weird people that stay in their houses and taste there own pee to see if there getting enough vitamins.

Don't let this happen to you. Act now before all is lost. You must contribute, the internet is lost with out you. You need to post!!!

Also read my blog... I have begun to post again but no one reads it.

Post or I'm not talking to you anymore!