Most people that know me are aware that I pride myself on having a stellar immune system. In fact I have gone as far as to gloat that I have the immune system of a super hero. How did I acquire such a defense system. Some people attribute it to my eating things I find. Perhaps it is because I work in hospitals so am regularly exposed to pathogens. I think its just a natural part of being a bad ass. Something strange happen yesterday though. I sneezed. Then I coughed. And then, I got a fever and felt dizzy. Some crazy strong germ somehow managed to skirt my defenses and is now trying to make a living making me feel like crap. But don't shut yourself in the bomb shelter just quite yet. After taking enough vitamin C to prevent scurvy for the rest of my life I think I have him on the run. I refuse to be a good host, and have made it quite clear he is not welcome. Still if you fell the need to send soup, or whiskey, I will not stop you.
Sniff, Sniff-
Ha ha! it worked... I have been paying Aaron to slip a poison into your beer for the past week. If you want the antidote. It will cost you a dead hawk and a Piute Chief. Ha !!
You know it takes a good post like this to know my Mikie poo is still human after all! I hope you feel better and keep on that vitamin c for a few days. Love ya! Suzy
BTW: you get ten points for posting a photo.
What makes you belive the germ is a he? Something that cunning and vindictive would more likely be a she. Wouldn't it!?!
I'm sorry your sick. I hope your better by now. XOXOX
I hope you rot in hell and you die!
And not necessarily in that order.
um...I was talking to the bug.
hey i didn't know that you did these blogs, how interesting and entertaining, I better get back to work now though because I think one of our cutomers jus twent into labor and there's a perfume pimp here trying to sell me perfume, he won't stop asking me who where's the short shorts and he sparys the perfume on me and it makes me sneez.
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