This Blog is devoted to all the kids back in the SLC, 801! So for the entire week all people have been talking about is this HUGE storm we are suppose to get Friday (today). People planned ahead, stocking up on food, water, condoms, whatever. Schools closed, the mayor (a ditz) ordered all "non-essential" staff to go home. Basically people are just freaking out. Well it's Friday. It's all happening. I am looking out the window of my office and it is the kind of snow we would call light, flurry, snow flakes the size of pepper flakes. The "STORM" was forecasted to start early this morning and "dump" all day. Total accumulation so far...get ready... better sit down... do you have enough food and condoms... 3 inches! OH SNACKS! I better get out of here and down into the bomb shelter (which we actually do have, it breaks the ice during orientation, here’s the cafeteria, the locker room, and the bomb shelter) before the roof collapses and I am crushed!
During my short time here, they have had 5! Snow days. Ok, those in the SLC, raise your hand if you remember 5 snow days in one year. No one? Ok, raise your hand if you remember 5 snow days total. Fine, raise your hand if you even remember a snow day. That’s what I thought. New England if full of high-strung-stress-cases. Back when I was your age, we used ta hav ta go ta skool thru ten foot a snow e'vry day! Once I had a legitimate snow day. I told my dad. He made me walk to school anyway, which was closed. But every kid in the "hood" was there anyway sledding. Even when we don't have to go to school we went. Why? Because that is what Jesus would do!
Obat Keputihan Kunyit Putih
7 years ago
That is tooo funny!! I loved watching people freak out over nothing when I lived in Cali LOL!! Glad you got a few inches to give people some excitement!!
I took a snow day last year. My boss at work got pissed off though...I guess I shouldn't have taken it in June...
Oh man, I hear ya. We closed the museum on Friday and I looked out the window and said, "Wha-huh? For realzies? Those are tiny little flakes!"
I think I remember only 1 snow day in my entire life in SLC...
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