Wednesday, April 16, 2008


It is no secret that my entries here, or blogs as you hip kids say, are focused on the weekends. “Why is that” you are asking. Well I will tell you. It’s because I am frozen in a block of ice during the week and thus very little happens. Around 4pm each Friday a crew of 15 polish refugees use science to thaw the ice and I am reanimated and primed for shenanigans!
As much fun I have on the weekend is as hard as I work during the week. Some people (George, Aaron, or anyone that knows what I do at work) would attest that I don’t work as “hard” as I do “long”. These people are silly and no credence should be paid to their comments or ideas. The truth is a typical workday goes like this, Wake up about 11am (thank Jebus for managing my own hours), make coffee, clean/read/run/workout, shower, go to work, work until 9-11pm, take shuttle or train home, relax, sleep, repeat. And even as I sleep I am working, as I am on call from when I leave work until I return. Once in a while something exciting will happen. Like one day I went to the post office, man that was crazy. But mostly there is not much to talk about. It is exactly this lack of activity and spontaneity that incubates the necessity of such active weekends. This approaching weekend already has the makings for a footnote in all high school history books. Saturday I will be traveling and exploring Cape Cod. Sunday of course is Italian dinner with good friends and Monday is the Boston Marathon! I have heard fascinating things about “Marathon Monday”. We have work off so I will be able to enjoy all the festivities. The entire city buzzes with energy and an amazing sense of community. So tune in soon for all the recaps!

No polish immigrants were harmed or made to eat glue for the purposes of this story. Each immigrant holds the proper paperwork, credentials, and vaccinations to be involved in the practice of science in the United States of America, or American territories. Reading this message may cause dry mouth, itching, red eyes, hunger, thirst, itchy bum, smelly feet and or nasal discharge. Both George and Aaron and big girl’s blouses.


Sir Georgio Loudbeard said...

you douche. I know you work hard. Stop maligning me in cyberspace! However, I didn't know you woke up at 11pm and then worked until 9-11pm either. No wonder nothing ever gets done around the house. You either work in an infintesimally small amount of time (or work backwards in time), or you work up to 24 hours straight. Weird.

Kev said...

I noticed this "Typo" as well, george. Also, All of the symptoms that you listed are exactly the same effect that Arron has on those allergic to shellfish... Don't ask me why...It's a mystery. My theory is that it has something to do with the smell of rotten fish about him...

Mikey said...

George, your grasp of relativity needs a little work. but you're all right kid..
Kev. we try not to mention the Aaron-fish-smell, he is sensitive about it

Suzy said...

LOL,, I like your special note on this one. I know you work hard, but now I really understand just how hard. Sounds like all you do during the week is work out and then go to work. Did you mail out those tiny pigs that day at the post office? I saw them the other day and was jeleous!! Amy is very protective of them and only let Ryker play with them once to count them. Just thought you should know. Oh and you've got everyone on my blog cracking up at your comment yesterday :)!! Love you lot's...

Suzy said...

Just checking back in.. Looks like you haven't posted your "weekend adventure" post yet. I'm sure it was a fun one!! Love you lots!

Sir Georgio Loudbeard said...


Kev said...

Man...No New posts in a week...What the hell else am I going to do at work?...

simply ilott said...

I live with Kevin for 2 years and he spells my name wrong? Soon he'll be suffering from foot-in-bum syndrome!