A durian fruit is a large green-brown heavily spiked Asian delicacy. The flesh of the fruit is described as a "rich custard like texture with an almond flavor". The real appeal of the durian is the smell! The odor is intense. Some find it appealing, and some find it offensive. It has been described as being sulfuric, or smelling like a dirty diaper. And because of this stench, the fruit is outlawed from many Asian public places, like hotels and trains.

Yesterday my friend Greg invited me over to try this notorious fruit. I was not able to make it but I received a full report from George and Aaron. Aaron left the house heading to Greg's with a machete, wearing a pirate hat. My last advice to him was, "try not to get arrested". He returned a while later with George and a few small pieces of light yellow fruit in a zip lock bag, like some type of specimen. George and Aaron explained that they had hashed the fruit and then pulled it apart toe reveal three segments each surrounded in a protective sack.

Within each sack there was a large seed enveloped with the beige flesh. They both told me that the fruit tasted "fine" and that I should eat the sample. I was obviously reluctant. What of the infamous stench, I asked. They both looked disappointed when they reported that the smell was not overly strong, or disgusting. I opened the bag and had a whiff. It did not smell too bad at all. The taste test demonstrated a fibrous mushy texture tasting like sweet eggs. Overall the experience was a little anti climatic most likely due to the long discussion for days prior describing how smelly and intense the fruit would be. Maybe we picked a less then prime fruit for our research. For our next trial we may enlist the aide of an expert to ensure we pick a good stinky one.
That is hilarious sir! I always new you were the type of person that would eat stinky fruit!
you "couldn't make it" I hate you
Love always,
Yeah, right..if you'd known I was there...you would have made it.
If it's stink you want maybe you should just try eating my socks. ZING!
Oh, crap...I just made fun of myself again didn't I. Why do you people let me say these things?
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