My older brother
Brad is quite the daredevil. When we were kids he was always doing crazy stunts. Highlights include superman dives off the trampoline, jumping from the top of our cherry tree, or my favorite, pretending to crash into cars on his bike with me riding on handle bars. The latter actually ending in crashing into a car and
me being flung over the hood onto the concrete. (don’t tell my mom) It makes sense that his passion in life is paragliding.
Currently he is representing the
USA in the world paragliding championships. After four days of “
tasks” he is in 16th place. Team USA is in third place behind
Slovenia and
Czech Republic. Since I don’t think Slovenia is a real country, lets go ahead and say we are in second place. If you want to follow the progress, or see some gorgeous pictures you can find it
here. Good luck Bradley, and go USA!
Go Brad Go!
The link of the Czech Repulic, I believe, is a mis-representation. You see, I am Czech and I don't think I look that atrocious. Do you?
BTW-I am rooting for the mouse.
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