Wednesday, July 30, 2008

And now for something completely different!

Let’s take a brief break from the Greek odyssey to talk about a life long goal of mine which I have just accomplished. I think I first became aware of my desire to follow this dream about the same time I learned to write. I have attempted to follow it through to fruition multiple times. I plan ahead and try to keep track of my progress, but it just never seemed to pan out. But today, without me even anticipating it, it happened! I used my pilot P-700 fine point pen until the ink completely ran out! I think I purchased it 8 months ago and have used it diligently every day I am in my office since. Today as I went to write down a phone number half way through the digits the pen ceased to leave a mark. Confused I tried again, and again with haste movements. Then the gravity of the moment settled on me and there was much uproarious celebration. At the constant assault of my hand alone I finally bested this high quality writing implement and with a final gasp in the down stroke of the number seven, it was done. All I have left to do now is climb Mount Everest and my life goals will be complete. I think we can all agree that with this proof of my commitment to a task, Everest should be a piece of cake!


Sir Georgio Loudbeard said...

The real question is Mike, will you buy a replacement ink cartridge and see if you can do it again? Do you possess the depth of faith and the strength of will to see it through again and again, or are you happy with a one-time willy-nilly?

Suzy said...

I have yet to achieve this goal, and yet I look forward to the day when I may post a similar blog. Congratulations to you!

Kev said...

Wow, I wish I had the patience that you posses to complete such a overwhelming goal. Wow.