Tuesday, February 17, 2009

IN YOUR FACE!!! book

At least once a week I have a variation of this conversation-“WHY AREN”T YOU ON FACEBOOK?”
I am a fierce anti-face booker. I have many reasons for this. The main reason is I prefer personal, private interactions. Also I don’t like the self idolizing or competitive nature of “collecting” friends that face book breeds in some. There are some people I don’t feel the need to keep up with, and moving away from people is very difficult with face book. These three reasons are the debatable points for my lack of participation. It is much simpler than this still. This blog is perhaps the most savvy thing I do with the interwebs. As a reader you will agree it’s not very savvy at all. Besides checking my e-mail, shopping on Amazon, and infrequently ranting here, my Mac book is basically a $2400 ipod. Don’t get me wrong, I am not condemning others for face booking. By all means tag, nudge, post to your electrical hearts desire. There may also be something meaningful in knowing when ones mild acquaintance from elementary school goes to the store, or returns overdue library books. Thanks to NPR’s Talk of the Nation I have discovered there are others unromanced by this idea of social networking. In an effort to create solidarity among us I am proposing a forum to chat and connect. This will be a place for likeminded, or interested people to find each other and support each other. You will be able to post pictures, tell personal stories and share all aspects of life. Just a way for the rest of us to keep in touch by the week, day or minute. I am calling it IN YOUR FACE! Book. For the sole purpose of accessibility and speed, I will publish it on the internet somewhere. I will keep you posted.


Michelle and Sean said...

Sounds good to me. Can't wait, I'm a sucker for stuff like that.

Hey by the way Maggie was put on a ventilator and she is still loosing weight so they are recommending that we go to Bostons childrens hospital so we are trying to make arrangements to get her out there. So I will keep you posted. Let me know if you have any ideas for anything you think we might need help with. Thanks

Suzy said...

um so your not going to join facebook but your creating a "facebook" of your own called "in your face?"... Your a different breed mikie poo... Guess what Pops is even on face book now? So just conform already and let your family say hello from time to time.. no need to collect friends,, nobody cares about that (that is Myspace).. Just come join the dark side - we have virtual cookies??

simply ilott said...

cookies you can't even eat!? what is the webbernet world coming to!? If I weren't about to watch a pirated copy of Gran Torino, pay my bills, write important letters, and post outrageous photos of myself in a cowboy costume, I would boycott it altogether!

Suzy said...

So um you getting on Face book any time soon??