Monday, February 11, 2008

Brass is made of copper and what metal?

Well here we are, Monday, again. And once again I have a fun packed weekend to write about.
Friday was a relief after working a 60 hour work week. I left my lab early and hurried home to start the craziness that would be the weekend. I was super excited when my buddy Bret (The Amtrekker) surprised us by bursting through the door to stay with us for a while. He just finished #6 on his list by walking to the top of the empire state building! We took the lazy road and walked to our local bar (Matt Murphy's). Its always a sure shot as they have live music every night. The band was large and mostly salsa music. The place is always so packed that dancing is impossible however.
Saturday Bret and I made our way to Harvard for the wrestling match. We met up with Daria, who despite my excellent offer to let her cheat would not wrestle me. Harvard actually won the match! And this is where things go the way of out of control. Jessica picked us up in Harvard square and drove us to meet George and his Nerd crew from the museum. The plan was to go play laser tag. I know some of you picture laser tag as immature or an activity that should be left to young prepubescent middle school kids. But what you may not realize is that these young kids are easy pickings for a superior and dominate sniper like myself. I will admit I felt a little sleazy being at least ten years older than any one in the place I did not come with. But after beating Bret three times in dance-dance-revolution I lost my inhibitions. The squeaky voiced acne ridden curfew abiding mob was no match for me. I was pleased to take THIRD place! No matter that the kid who won was 14. It’s still early when we get back to Brookline so we hit a bar. The bar was a dive so we decide to move on. We are walking down the street when we notice a group of people having a great time and decide we should check it out. Turns out we follow them into a water-polo party for Boston College students. We instantly blend in and make friends. I even spent a while serving keg beer to the hormone driven crowd. After witnessing several scenes of way too affectionate public displays, its time to leave. The night ends with some well fought foosball.
Sunday George and I decide the state of our apartment requires serious action. We must either burn the place to the ground, or clean like our parents are about to visit. We decide neither of us should go back to jail, and commit to a deep cleaning. After hours of intense scrubbing, I was again comfortable and pleased with my living quarters. We quickly clean up and put on our best suits to meet Aaron for his work party at the very swanky Harvard Club. We do our best to mingle with the elite of the Boston social scene but in the end move to a place we are more comfortable. Most Sundays we play trivia at a place in the Back Bay called Crossroads. Bar trivia is great! A proctor asks random questions and everyone works in teams to answer them in hopes of proving our intellectual eminence to the MIT students that typically win. My team did quite well. If it weren't for one question where our team was divided and ultimately chose the wrong answer, we would have won. The second place prize is a clear plastic Jenga game. More Foosball gets me to bed and now we are all up to date. Back to work, but my personal approach to life is once again validated, ITS FUN TO HAVE FUN!


Suzy said...

I love your writting style. Sounds like you had a very eventful weekend. I'm glad you didn't burn your place down, and I think it's so cool that you can see a party and just "blend" in like that! Makes for fun times for sure!!

Suzy said...

Oh yea,, are we EVER going to get photos of your adventures? Do you even have a digi camera?

Kev said...

Sounds like you had a good time, I also hope you know that if I were there I would have taken first place in both the laser tag and the bar trivia.

Sir Georgio Loudbeard said...

ZINC! I know, you people made me doubt myself, and for that, I blame YOU.

Jess said...

Haha, very public displays of affection indeed!