Friday, February 29, 2008

Old man Winter

So A few months ago I saw Old Man Winter on the train. I kid you not. There I was minding my own business quietly eves-dropping on the couple in front of me arguing about his "obvious" social faux pas. On aside, it was not really his fault. How was he to know it is not appropriate to discuss her very smelly feet at a cocktail party? He is not a mathmagician!
Anyway I felt a slow bitter cold presence pour over me like steam over the side of a boiling pot. I shivered and pulled my coat and scarf more securely around my muscularly bodice. But the teeth chattering, nostril burning feeling would not subside. And then I saw him, standing near the door!
He is very thin and tall. His hair is pure white and hangs down to the middle of his back. His beard is the same dove white and matches the length of his hair. His mouth is not visible beneath the alpine facial grooming. After gazing into his crystal blue eyes that are devoid of pupils I can tell he is grinning. He is very pleased with the shivering subway car he has created. And he is even more amused with the intruding aggressive chill he has produced outside. Before I can react he departs the train at the next stop. I think it was Arlington (never get off at Arlington FYI). The remainder of the week was amazingly cold! I knew it was my fault. If I had not froze, pun intended, I could have choked the bastard and saved Boston! After a week it warmed up. Old Man Winter must have left. I think he went to New Hampshire.

This morning as I walked home from the hospital I was sure I had frost bite on my ears. They had gotten so cold they hurt, and then they stopped hurting, so I was sure they fell off. This afternoon it all made sense. George text me and said he was on the train with Old Man Winter! I told George to capture him, and have not heard from him since. But it’s still really cold, so George most likely did not make it out alive. A moment of silence...

If you see Old Man Winter creeping around in your neighborhood, do us all a favor; take him to a steam room, a hot tub, or for hot coco. Whatever you do don't let him get away!


Kev said...

I thought i saw old man winter once... he gave me a frozen hawk...

Sir Georgio Loudbeard said...

when I saw old man winter, his pupils were white like the driven snow...

Goosetavis said...

Oh my god! The nasty hawk who sat in the freezer and was show in tell for a month. Gross. I haven't seen old man winter here lately, we had a bargin and obviously, I won.

Amtrekker said...

Bodice?! You were wearing a dress?! No wonder you were too much of a big girl's blouse to attack that old jackass.

Suzy said...

My goodness when are you going to get a camera! How cool that you saw the man himself! I like how you describe things - esp your muscular bodice LOL!!