Friday, January 11, 2008

Cost 20 bones to be dry!

So this morning I awoke to the sound of machine gun fire outside my window. After hitting the deck and shreeching like a little girl further investigation revealed it was only rain. That's right, rain, loads of it, in December, in Boston. Not such a bad thing I guess. Except I had a meeting I had to be to at the hospital. Normally I walk to the hospital, its only 5 blocks away after all. As I was in the shower the solution came to me. A TAXI! I could call a cab and ride to the hospital thus avoiding the buckets of water falling from the above. I called a cab, it arrived promptly, and I was off. (I had gotten dressed as well, this story is PG) How does this story end.... it ends with a 30 min cab ride for 5 blocks. Why? Because its Boston! No one believes in courteous driving here. Oh no, block intersections, take up two lanes, and honk..... a lot! I did arrive dry, but the 5 block ride took twice as long as normal and cost me 20 bones-jones. Was it worth?, you may ask... well the cab smelled like fried chicken and urine, so ya it was worth it.


Suzy said...

umbrella's are cheaper :)..

Kev said...

I got it...all you need to do is construct an impenetrable rain suit out of old grocery bags, You can use tape and glue to cover the seams. Then the next time it rains you can laugh at the poor fools in the taxi. You’re the smart one. You have a grocery bag suit!! PS, Remember to put on normal cloths underneath.