Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Flamingos In the woods!

So my Little brother Kevin is not impressed that I managed to find a flamingo in the winter wilderness. But I bet some of you are! So how did this happen? The answer is the STONE ZOO. After wondering around for a few hours and a close call with some ninjas, Frank and I found ourselves on a road. We started walking up the road picking up trash. (save the planet and such) After we had walked just far enough for me to become certain we were walking the wrong direction we found it. The zoo had a very meager entrance and not a single car in the parking lot. Our curiosity overcame us and we went to the ticket booth. There was a guy who explained the zoo was open. He also told us that a good number of the animals were hiding, to escape the cold. He was so desperate to actually have visitors that he gave a a discount and in we went. The Zoo was AWESOME! It was very small taking only 30 min to see everything. It was so wooded and quaint that it really accented the animals well. Ticket-Guy was right, many animals refused to show. I did see wolves, Mt. Lions, Meercats, and Flamingos. The Flamingos were super noisy. I really didn't know why they were making such a ruckus. It reminded me of the scene in ALICE IN WONDERLAND where they use the flamingos to play croquet. Frank and I tried to set up a game really quickly, but as we were the only people in the zoo we were found out quickly. They even had a "exotic Mexican rat" but I am fairly certain it was a gerbil. Still I like the Stone Zoo. A great surprise to a day of hiking!

**DISCLAIMER** Wondering and WAndering can be interchanged when traveling in the woods. Obviously AMTREKKERS don't know this. Maybe thats one reason AMTREKKERS are often lost. And can't read good.


Jess said...

Ninjas!! Holy Crap! So, like, are you ok??

Do you need some cotton balls to mop up your wounded head? Or maybe an illegal staggering Columbian Palm?

Amtrekker said...

Ninjas? Pfft. Bring it on. If Mikey can't take 'em who can.

Hey, buddy. Not for nothing but:

1. I dig reading your blogs and

2. There's a difference between wander and wonder...

Kev said...

Sounds like a really cool zoo, But I bet they didn't have a sasquatch. If you can find me a Zoo that has a sasquatch on display. then I would be impressed. Hey remember that time we almost ran over the sasquatch on the way to Vancouver? That was cool.